Nyt löysi W.A.S.P.-mies syyn albumin myöhästymiseen: Suomen postilaitos!

29.8.2014 11:34

Muun muassa Porvoossa äskettäin asunut entinen W.A.S.P.-kitaristi Chris Holmes viihtyy nykyään Ranskassa.

Holmesin piti julkaista sooloalbumi Shitting Bricks syyskuun lopulla, mutta artistin manageri (ja vaimo) Catherine Sarah Holmes syyttää nyt Suomen postia (vai Itellaa?) siitä, ettei levy ilmestykään ajoissa.

Managerin mukaan pariskunta lähetti Chrisin nauhoituslaitteiston Suomesta Ranskaan, mutta hänen mukaansa lähestys ei koskaan saapunut perille. Tiedonannossa kerrotaan, että Suomen posti on luvannut korvata amerikkalaisille 531 euroa, vaikka ”laitteiston arvo on yli 5000 euroa”.

Ilmoitus näyttää kokonaisuudessaan seuraavalta:

”Dear Chris Holmes fans,

Unfortunately, and for reasons i know you will understand, I will be unable to release the new album end of September as I promise[d] to you for the following reasons: We used the services of priority mail in Finland for send Chris’ recording rack [to] France. The rack never arrived in there and I even not sure the rack left Finland. The three others boxes with clothes in them, yes, but not the rack.

Result of this uncompetence we paid for: two months with impossibility to work and finish the album.

The post mail in Finland apologized and said they are really sorry for our loss and proposed us to pay back 531 euros for the value of the rack when the value written on the receipt is more than 5000.

When we posted, they assured us that it will be safe and we didn’t have to be worry, but by the Finnish law, we couldn’t put a amount more than 5000 even if the equipment was worth more than that. Why ask the value if it is for screw people no matter what?

Today Chris lost all his equipment for recording. I have to come back on my word to you to release the album end of September and this really pissed me off.

We are working right now for find the best way at least give you this album before the end of the year… This is going cost us a lot of money and I will not accept without saying nothing and pay the price for the uncompetence of people who even dont care about the consequences of their actions.”

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