Joudummeko me kaikki tämän vuoksi helvettiin? Epäilen! – Tool-pomolla on tiukkaa asiaa

2.7.2015 12:47

Tool-orkesterin laulusolisti Maynard James Keenan iloitsee Yhdysvaltain korkeimman oikeuden päätöksestä, jonka mukaan koko maassa hyväksytään samaa sukupuolta olevien avioliitot. (Päätös muuten syntyi niukasti äänin 5-4, sillä konservatiiviset tuomarit äänestivät homoliittoja vastaan ja liberaalit taas sen puolesta).

Keenan on julkaissut aiheeseen liittyvän kirjoituksen, joka päättyy humoristiseen pohdintaan siitä, onko hän (ja samalla tavalla hänen kanssaan ajattelevat) oikeassa vai ”palammeko me tämän takia helvetissä”.

Keenan toteaa:

”Where to begin? Maybe I’m missing some insider info. Maybe the religious zealots are in fact as omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent as their one true God. Maybe they have a working knowledge or understanding of his plan. And therefore our celebration of this glorious day will be met with eternal damnation, fire and brimstone, blah blah blah.
Or maybe circumstances have changed. Just like when it was supposedly necessary to write a Bible V2 aka The New Testament. Maybe we are in fact coming closer to a Revelation, a Rapture, or a Home Coming of sorts. Maybe there is a divine plan that no one could possibly comprehend. And the religious zealots are in fact NOT omniscient, omnipotent or omnipresent. Maybe this one God of pure light of which they speak put forth a test. And the test was to recognize pure LOVE. I’ll say it again in case you were speed reading. Maybe the entry level test was to recognize pure LOVE aka LIGHT, Infinite and without Judgement. And they all fucking blew it. (PLEASE PLEASE follow through with your threats to set yourselves on fire. Soooo many problems solved.)

Or maybe I’m wrong and we’ll all be smoking turds in hell.


Congratulations to LOVE winning over antiquated archaic judgement.

M J Keenan
World Class Multi Tasker,
Curmudgeon, Musician, Winemaker.”

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