Lamb of God -nokkamies keskellä ”kauhuelokuvamaista” autokolaria – lähetti kaahailijalle tuliset terveiset onnettomuuspaikalta

12.7.2016 14:32

Lamb of Godin vokalisti Randy Blythe joutui seurueineen viikonloppuna todella täpärän paikan eteen. Kaahaileva autoilija törmäsi nimittäin laulajan parkissa olleen ajoneuvon peräkärryyn lähes tyhjällä Oklahomalaisella valtatiellä. Kaikeksi onneksi Blythen autossa olleille ei käynyt rytäkässä juuri kuinkaan, mutta törmäilleen auton kyydissä olleet loukkaantuivat sen verran pahoin, että kaikkien vammat vaativat ensiapua.

Järkyttynyt Blythe latasi tapahtumapaikalta kuvia Instagram-tililleen ja osoitti saatesanansa suoraan kolarin 24-vuotiaalle aiheuttajalle.

”Tässä sinä melkein kuolit”, Blythe kirjoittaa kaahailijan ajoneuvosta ottamansa kuvan yhteyteen ja jatkaa: ”Tämä melkein tappoi minut, kaksi ystävääni, koiramme ja toisen kuljettajan. Tällä melkein tapoit kolme ystävääsi.”

Mies kuvailee kuinka hän ja ystävänsä riensivät auttamaan uhreja ulos savuavasta autosta: ”Se oli kuin todeksi tullut kauhuelokuva, rukoilin lähestyessäni teitä, että ’hyvä Jumala, ethän anna kenenkään olla kuollut’. Sinä vain huusit ’jarruni eivät toimineet’. Paskapuhetta. Jarrutusjäljet kertovat eri tarinaa. Sinun on täytynyt ajaa lähemmäs 130km/h.”

Blythe myöntää itsekin töppäilleensä nuorempana, mutta ottaneensa sittemmin törttöilyistä opikseen.

”Olet vasta lapsi – lapsi, joka ajaa valtavaa tappavaa asetta. — Olin joskus aivan kuin sinäkin, vastuuntunnoton ja vailla huolia. Minulla oli paljon onnea, mutta muutin tapani ennen kuin se ehti loppua. Sait nyt uuden mahdollisuuden, aivan kuten minäkin muinoin. Suosittelen, että käytät sen viisaasti.”

Photo #1 in a series. We are all ok- BUT if you are driving & looking at this: PUT DOWN THE GODDAMNED PHONE AND DRIVE, ASSHOLE. 7.9.2016 ”PAY ATTENTION #1” Oklahoma. Listen to me, little girl: this is what you almost died in yesterday. This is what you almost killed me, my 2 friends, our dog, & another driver with. This is what you almost killed your 3 friends with. This is what you almost killed YOURSELF with. I sat parked on the side of the two-lane country road & I watched as you plowed into our chase vehicle’s trailer- I saw your truck hit it & fly into the air. Like a slow-motion horror movie scene, you sprouted deadly wings & flew high into the air towards us before crashing onto the road a few feet away. You had hit another truck before you even crashed into our trailer. We were in the middle of nowhere, on wide-open road, with a clear view for miles. How did you not see us? How fast were you going to run into 2 vehicles & still fly into the air like that? We were stopped, & completely off the road, the other truck behind us that you hit was going maybe 3 mph, maximum. We were all aware of each other- somehow, you were not. #leica #leicacamerausa #youmeanda63 #bloody66 #putdownthefuckingphoneanddriveyouasssholes

Kuva, jonka D. Randall Blythe (@drandallblythe) julkaisi

7.9.2016 ”PAY ATTENTION #2” Oklahoma. After you landed on your side, Rob & Kim & myself jumped out of our vehicles & ran the 15 feet towards your truck- it was smoking & we heard you all screaming inside. As we ran to the truck a person climbed out of the passenger side window, then another, then another, then another & you all flopped onto the road, filthy & covered in blood. It was a real-life horror movie- I prayed as I moved towards you: ”Please God don’t let anyone be dead!” You, the driver, kept yelling ”My brakes went out, my brakes went out”- this is bullshit. The skid marks tell us a different story, but even if they had, you must have been going 80 mph according to the other driver you rear ended before you even hit Kim’s trailer. Why? You were so quick to deny blame, screeching your head off before the rest of your friends were even out of your mangled truck- you are a child; a child driving a huge, deadly weapon. By the way, that’s you going into shock on our trailer while the EMTs work on you & your other friend- I watched it happen. If Kim hadn’t been behind me & Rob with that trailer, we would have joined you. Or worse. #leica #leicacamerausa #youmeanda63 #bloody66 #putdownthefuckingphoneanddrive

Kuva, jonka D. Randall Blythe (@drandallblythe) julkaisi

7.9.2016 ”PAY ATTENTION #3” Oklahoma. You stumbled around the road, moaning about your brakes as your friend in the white shirt with blood all over it wandered around in shock before he collapsed onto the highway- he was yelling to get him off the road, but I didn’t want to touch him, scared that his neck might be broken. I ran out to make sure another car didn’t run him over. We were afraid the truck would explode- gas was everywhere, & the vehicle was smoking, but still we moved among you, asking how many were in the truck, trying to get y’all off the road- we wouldn’t watch a person die if we could prevent it- one of you told us it was just the four of you. Your other friend stumbled up to me, holding his hand & pleading for a bandage- there was a huge gash in it, blood was everywhere, I could see the white bone glistening beneath. I took my shirt off my back & gave it to him to stop the bleeding. We made y’all sit on our trailer you hit & we got water from our van for you. We called 911. The paramedics came quick. You can’t imagine what you looked like climbing out of the smoking wreckage of your truck. #leica #leicacamerausa #youmeanda63 #bloody66 #putdownthefuckingphoneanddrive

Kuva, jonka D. Randall Blythe (@drandallblythe) julkaisi

7.9.2016 ”PAY ATTENTION #4” Oklahoma. While the paramedics put first you, then your friend, then your other friend in neck braces & got you into the ambulances, I talked to the cops & the other driver you hit- you were going fast. Way too fast. I looked at the clear-as-day skid marks where you slammed on the brakes right before you hit our trailer. I looked at your crumpled truck- it was already covered in mud- you must have just gone four wheeling, but you had merely wiped a small hole in the back windshield to see out of- this doesn’t cut it, little girl. All of your belongings were scattered on the side of the road, & the lady who had to clean it up found some disgusting things- even the cops were grossed out, & they’ve seen it all. You obviously don’t take care of your vehicle, & you obviously don’t pay attention to things. You are 24 years old- this is not a game. You are old enough to know better, & your lack of attention almost killed us all on a sunny afternoon in the Oklahoma countryside. #leica #leicacamerausa #youmeanda63 #bloody66 #putdownthefuckingphoneanddrive

Kuva, jonka D. Randall Blythe (@drandallblythe) julkaisi

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