Raportoimme eilen Quiet Riot -rumpali Frankie Banalin menehtyneen myöhään torstai-iltana. 68-vuotias muusikko oli sairastanut jo pitkään haimasyöpää. Hänelle annettiin alunperin vain kuusi kuukautta elinaikaa, mutta lopulta mies sinnitteli sairautensa kanssa 16 kuukautta.
Lukuisat muusikot Rudy Sarzosta Dee Snideriin ja Paul Stanleystä Mike Portnoyhin ovat esittäneet omat surunvalittelunsa miehen poismenon johdosta sosiaalisessa mediassa.
Voit lukea päivityksiä alta.
My hero, mentor, @QUIETRIOT brother @FrankieBanali is now resting in peace and pain free. I will post a follow up in days to come as try to process this unmeasurable loss. https://t.co/E1dqzJH5ln
— Rudy Sarzo (@rudysarzo) August 21, 2020
Wow. What a day. So sad to hear about the loss of @FrankieBanali. He fought hard until the end. His playing and rock 'n' roll spirit will live forever. A fellow New Yorker, Frankie was the real deal. RIP my friend.
"Take me away from all this death."— Dee Snider🇺🇸🎤 (@deesnider) August 21, 2020
So saddened to hear of the passing of my drumming brother @FrankieBanali. He fought an incredibly brave battle against Cancer and his strength and dignity was truly inspiring…Rest In Peace my friend 😢 #RIPFrankieBanali pic.twitter.com/pTXPuqgScG
— Mike Portnoy 🤘 (@MikePortnoy) August 21, 2020
Very sad to hear of the passing of Frankie Banali. He was so open in his reports of his illness and seemed to live through his treatments and setbacks bravely and with grace. RIP. https://t.co/7C7E4NJf7y
— Paul Stanley (@PaulStanleyLive) August 21, 2020
My sincere condolences to the family of Mr. Frankie Banali and Friends and fans alike. A true rocker who dedicated his life to rock n' roll RIP Rock In Power Frankie Banali https://t.co/P3ovaQNt47
— Sebastian Bach™️ (@sebastianbach) August 21, 2020
So Sad To Hear Frankie Banali Has Passed…R.I.P. Sweet Frankie…My Love To Your Family, Friends & Fans…XXX pic.twitter.com/vJNrNnGLrN
— David Coverdale (@davidcoverdale) August 21, 2020
Very very sad to hear this RIP @FrankieBanali https://t.co/VtdxCkyYFm
— Charlie Benante (@skisum) August 21, 2020
Deepest Sympathy to the Frankie Banali family and fans all over the world. When we hear the heavens thunder we will know it came from you. Great musicians never die….
RIP FRANKIE 💔🤘💫 pic.twitter.com/66NGdYpd6I— Lita Ford (@litaford) August 21, 2020