Turbonegro aktivoituu alkuvuodesta

29.11.2008 11:30

Norjalaisen Turbonegron kitaristi Euroboy (Knut Schreiner) on taas kunnossa. Muusikollahan todettiin imusolmukesyöpä maaliskuussa 2008. Hoidot ovat kuitenkin tehonneet ja lääkärit ovat nyt todenneet muusikon terveeksi.

Norjalaisen Turbonegron kitaristi Euroboy (Knut Schreiner) on taas kunnossa. Muusikollahan todettiin imusolmukesyöpä maaliskuussa 2008. Hoidot ovat kuitenkin tehonneet ja lääkärit ovat nyt todenneet muusikon terveeksi.

Kitaristi uhkuu soittohaluja ja Turbonegro ryhtyykin työstämään uutta albumia heti alkuvuodesta. Bändi toivoo pääsevänsä studioon kesällä. Orkesteri on myös vahvistanut ensimmäiset festarikeikkansa sekä Amerikan-kiertueen.

Schreiner on julkaissut aiheen tiimoilta seuraavan tiedotteen:

"As the year 2008 is coming to an end, I’m happy to inform you all that I’ve undergone successful treatment for lymphoma cancer. Last month I shook hands with the doctors and hugged the nurses and signed off at Radiumhospitalet, hopefully once and for all. When it comes to cancer patients, they’re not willing to declare you completely cured until years have passed without further complications. But there are no signs of cancer in my system at least, and the chances of experiencing a fallback are rather small, and life has gone back to normal. I feel good and tell my friends that I’m cured.

The treatment went fine; I didn’t get too sick and was able to do a couple of shows this summer (the awesome Apocalypse Dudes concert at the Øya festival in Oslo stands out). Not to mention that my interest for music, the band and the guitar has gone through the roof! Now I’m really looking forward to make music again and get back in the saddle and play some cool shows for you all. It was an unexpected and weird time-out, but also a valuable time for many reasons. I won’t bore you with going into details about what I’ve been going through the last eight months, but I want to tell you that if the catastrophe ever hits you, I’ll be happy to share some experience and words of encouragement.

Early next year I’m going away on a short trip with my buddy Happy-Tom to hang out and begin work on the next Turbonegro record.  We’ll see what we come up with, but the plan is to start recording the new songs in the summer. The first festival gigs for next year have already been announced; The Slottsfjell Festival in Norway and Peace and Love in Borlange, Sweden. In April we’re heading out on a tour of the American west coast and Canada. So, I’m very happy about being myself again and once again want to thank friends, family, fans, partners and band members for their great, great share of love and support throughout the year."


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