Englannin pitkäaikaisin hallitsija kuningatar Elisabet II menehtyi tänään (8.9.) 96-vuotiaana Balmoralin linnassa Skotlannissa, tiedotetaan Buckinghamin palatsista. Asiasta uutisoi muun muassa Yle.
70 vuotta vallassa olleen kuningatar Elisabetin kuolema on luonnollisesti saanut koko maan syvään suruun ja asiaa ovat kommentoineet myös monet muusikot. Muun muassa Ozzy Osbourne, Elton John, Mick Jagger, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Geezer Butler, Brian May, Bill Ward (joka kirjoitti Elisabetille omistetun runon), Def Leppardin Joe Elliott, Slash, Billy Idol, Stevie Nicks, Jon Bon Jovi ja Orianthi ovat esittäneet surunvalittelunsa sosiaalisessa mediassa. Aiheeseen on reagoitu myös muun muassa The Rolling Stones-, Iron Maiden-, Saxon- ja Status Quo -yhtyeiden sekä Royal Albet Hallin some-kanavissa.
”Suren yhdessä koko maan kanssa mahtavimman kuningattaremme poismenoa. Raskain sydämin sanon, että ajatus Englannista ilman kuningatar Elisabetia on musertava”, Osbourne toteaa Facebook-julkaisussaan.
”Hänen läsnäolonsa oli hyvin inspiroivaa ja hän johti maan läpi mahtavimpien ja synkimpien aikojen läpi armollisesti, säädyllisesti ja aidolla lämmöllä”, kirjoittaa puolestaan Elton John.
Päivitys 9.9.2022: Lisätty Paul McCartneyn, Ringo Starrin, Brian Mayn, Jon Bon Jovin, Stevie Nicksin, Billy Idolin, Iron Maidenin ja Bill Wardin julkaisut.
For my whole life Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II has always been there. In my childhood I can recall watching her wedding highlights on TV. I remember her as a beautiful young lady, to the much beloved grandmother of the nation. My deepest sympathies are with the Royal family. pic.twitter.com/3JLILZDKwK
— Mick Jagger (@MickJagger) September 8, 2022
God bless Queen Elizabeth peace and love to all the family peace and love Ringo. 😎✌️🌟❤️🌈☮️ pic.twitter.com/B8Tomh9HoD
— #RingoStarr (@ringostarrmusic) September 8, 2022
Sad to hear of The Queen passing. I remember the street celebrations when she was crowned Queen. Always a staple of growing up in England. GSTQ- RIP pic.twitter.com/TEROdsZvGk
— Geezer Butler (@geezerbutler) September 8, 2022
"She has transcended eras with good grace and service to her country that is unparalleled anywhere or by anyone. Thank you your Majesty for a lifetime of great memories and leadership."
-Joe Elliott [2/2] pic.twitter.com/Y5IYXVHsK6
— Def Leppard (@DefLeppard) September 8, 2022
Queen Elizabeth was the ultimate example of service and duty… today is a sad day. pic.twitter.com/1yS7RpNeCp
— Jon Bon Jovi (@jonbonjovi) September 8, 2022
— Stevie Nicks (@StevieNicks) September 8, 2022
The Queen passing today made me think of my mum @Official_Joan Joan Broad who passed 2 years ago, both born of the same era & lived their lives with cool, dignity & grace…
— Billy Idol (@BillyIdol) September 8, 2022
The Rolling Stones extend their deepest sympathy to the Royal family on the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, who was a constant presence in their lives as in countless others. pic.twitter.com/veCyfN8rjp
— The Rolling Stones (@RollingStones) September 8, 2022
We mourn the passing of our beloved Queen.
RIP Your Majesty.Saxon pic.twitter.com/9Bhd34PNpE
— Saxon (@SaxonOfficial) September 8, 2022
Rip queen 👑 pic.twitter.com/oFxQhXMka3
— orianthi (@orianthi) September 8, 2022
It is with great sadness that we have learnt of the death of Her Majesty The Queen. We were truly honoured that Queen Elizabeth II was our Patron. Everyone at the Hall will feel her absence keenly. pic.twitter.com/g5GqgEY4HV
— Royal Albert Hall (@RoyalAlbertHall) September 8, 2022