Timo Tolkki perui Pledgemusic-projektinsa

27.7.2012 19:36

Pledgemusic.comin kautta rahoituksen Classical Variations 2: Credo -albumilleen kerännyt Timo Tolkki on lyönyt lihoiksi koko idean.

Tolkki on saanut "muita ajatuksia" ja lupaa faneilleen jotakin paljon parempaa kuin Pledgemusic-projektin. Pledgemusicin kautta Tolkkia rahallisesti tukeneet saavat lahjoituksensa luonnollisesti takaisin.

Samalla kitaristi lupailee seuraavaa julkaisuaan ensi vuoden alkupuolelle.

Kerrottakoon samalla, että Tolkki on jammaillut vanhoja Stratovarius-biisejä rumpali Tuomo Lassilan kanssa. YouTube-video löytyy täältä.

Peruuntuneeseen Pledgemusic-projektiin liittyvä tiedote taas näyttää kokonaisuudessaan seuraavalta:

"While I have been working on the new ’Credo’ album, I have started to speak with several friends in the music business to exchange creative ideas.

A lot of musicians and people I talked to were really impressed with how the material is coming along. This brought me in contact with some people that offered me a really interesting and better situation on both artistic and personal level. However, this new incredible opportunity that I have is not compatible with the PledgeMusic project which I have started with you.

Considering that I am looking at a way more interesting and exciting project which will ultimately make you happier, dear friends and fans, I have decided to cancel the work done so far on the ’Credo’ album. Everybody will be contacted and reimbursed from the pledges I have received. In the case of questions, please turn to PledgeMusic.

Again, there is no reason to be disappointed, you will hear and see very soon (probably in the first quarter of 2013) the outcome of what is happening behind the curtain.

Needless to say, this is an exciting and creative period in my life and it has been very uplifting to see that you are out there supporting my music and work.
Please know that this is important for me and has given me strength to create and look to the the future in a brighter and more exciting way. Stay tuned for more great news soon!"

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